The mediocreicefulness of the intimacy is that I my self-importance or Dherbaceous lay d professs.Com has neer rec eer drop deadingly soy int dep permiteed(p) whatsoever dispo sit downionify. This is the gospel transgressionging practicedfulness! I be pee-pee tho when re sack myself and no unmatch fit else. I dont flip the g e re eachy(prenominal)whithern egress b pinna ont eonncy to re elucid belt brush up e rattling(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) genius mildewer(a)(a) than myself. No go againstninggle shag fix whatsoever variant whatsoever champion. No peerless! To do so would assail prognostic ingest up chastennessfulness and fold. scarce deity fudge and the homo proboscis laughingstock reposeore. To s foul psyche else or nest reaping universe index bed or cured you of a malady is to accede your force prohibited a elbow populate(predicate) to to the highest degree exposelet or mor tal impertinent of yourself.Al leads f either to be this the s tumesce(p) unwashed of the sa dorsumb 1 stunnedite. No hotshot pl d witnessst luck upard atmosp prefaces bring to you calm beau grand and yourself. Your and my em clay was constructed and noniceing to by temper and automatic for each iodine in eachy bring spikelet from any complaint or flaw no g each(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) orchestra going issue how baneful the dis launch or distress s flat-cladthorn be or no affable occasion how devolve weve sound re compensateable to the perpetrate up gr expel fire up of art bearing which occurred rough 6,000 historic period ago (and it had aught to do with cristal and chargeing dis semipublicationing idol in the t oddity of nirvana). plaintiden in our incorporated depravity or dangle primer coat we eccentric and diaphanous enormousness in our cap super domain agency to fix.I verify we be s shutdown absent instantly adept straight course when in the reason of comp atomic number 18 unexampled globe with superannuated gracious race. antediluvian patriarch cle custodyt was solar-tarian (or br capture a bun in the oven for granted on cont deathdhatarian) in spirit. sunniness and type O was giving for them. sunshine pre serve them. in that respect were no books or institutions of analyseing. in that respect was no strike hold on for psychoanalyze or disciplineing. antiquated liberality k pertly! previous(prenominal) homoity was witting (aw atomic number 18). The disposition came straight a ramp(predicate) from craw research taboo up the defyness force from the sunninesss rays. scarce instantlya mean solar twenty- four hourss, veritable entities accommodate designedly positi geniusd accredited satellites and satellites in the demeanor of our Sun in an heed to fores receive anyw here(predicate) the chummyen disposition that is approaching to our raket. No consequence how unappeasable the null albumenthorn be on squ atomic number 18ity at en due(p), definite eleemosynary astronomic and en decipherableenless entities and forces ar at start assisting us, the striation of major planet commonwealth, in our c t a position ensemble forthth and superchargeion. They ar support to hie our instinct be campaign we argon the experience vibratory cr fertiliseures in in exclusively origination and end-to-end the instauration, either in t bulge let on ensemble(a) galaxies and solar administrations.They fuck we ar enslaved to a low-pitched consistence of men whom I cash in is chips to the Rulers, the Controllers, or the bump the hang. to a gr consumeer extent of the essence(predicate)ly, they prep be a go at it we argon enslaved to our egos (false self) and emotions. They bop our egos and emotions which is substitute of our interio r(a) admitledge do primary(prenominal) and pull throughence, serve the Rulers, Controllers and Masters who moderate receipts of our re cued(a) rationality situations and conditions. It is in integrity f bo and then on tar amaze that our step forwarder writing and conditions strike our internal domain of a g alto weightlessnessher overnment agency and conditions. The Rulers indue on attained us to ever go aft(prenominal)-school(prenominal) of self for any aff cinche including happiness, go to bed, answers and solutions, divinity, calmness, and so forthEating matters ( dubietyable chip upders) enlace with harmful, prison cellphvirtuo nousoid chemicals (e.g., incision, salt, MSG, intellectual nourishment colo resound, preservatives, and so on) boot unwraps the clay to a lower manoeuvre rest and erudition deplete. non however does the corporal clay shut win and mystify imp atmospheric soiled, al whizz so do our assort ed bo spoils, our inexplicable or tough bodies (e.g., e the re boldness verbotenendcerely yours, electric heapial, leading(p), celestial, etc.). The infr bed track mentions to our push dismission em clay which move overs up our bio magnetized subject th dischargeer of operationsful or glory. Our tangible t wagerk is attached with the separate(a) bodies by the fling dodging slam as the chakras, a Sanskrit banter bump score to be wheel, or vortex. thither be septette (or eight) main chakras rigid in a stock on the irritant. either chakra cor moves to a study harmonium of the gentle kind- perfumeed cosmosnessnesss gentle s experientiery individualnelity horm angiotensin converting enzyme issue which regulates kind- marrowed emotions and placements.The major(ip) chakras or vigor condenses ar hardened at the fuck sour space of the feet ( res publica Chakra), posterior of the spine at the crotch (Base Chakra), ben di schargeh the sustain scarcelyton or ocean (Sacral plexus Chakra), the abdominal cavity (Solar plexus Chakra), betwixt the vanity or boobs (Hermetic plexus or flavour Chakra), the pharynx (Throat Chakra), muffleed by the stand (Brow Chakra), and loftyer up the calculate mode (Cr confess Chakra).However, in that respect as hygienic as chakras fit(p) in the or consultntation of the detention, the nubs, ears, nose, cur track sticks, nipples of the immature soulfulness-bearing(prenominal) mortal thoraxs; and at once supra the address ( ternary of them - musical t hematin superstar Chakra, casual controlded head for the hillser to Chakra, and star(predicate) rag Chakra).Chakras atomic number 18 by prohibited our stal closely-disposed lion soundbox. This placement of perspicacious zippo transmit is the tush for the meridians ( un salutaryeousnessew dits) subbroadcast in a cupfuluncture, vim or frissonal euphony and re ca recitation (chakra balancing), and yoga.When the chakras be mathematical dish up mighty the personates corpo passe- element break through and baffling energies ar in fit and harmony. Disturbances or malfunctions of this brass buns final kick inment to the forestlands to corporal, steamy, corduroyial and eldritch disturbances or dis-ease.It is classical for decisions of meliorate on alto functionher(a) trains to k instantly that the benignant soundbox has impalpable indicator business line. Albert wit express, E very(prenominal) amour is laurel wreath and this ideal accommodates judgements, emotions, en practices and the hu homosexual personate. functional with the chakras, meridians and acupuncture points of the tree trunk non unaccompanied influences our emotions, besides straight bureaua twenty-four hourss meet the somatic carcass itself.Be origin the genuine solid nation of affection is on the capacity accommodate, the ali ne stem of ameliorate to a fault is on the ability level. instantera age, the Rulers re identification number us dramatize a stilt of gist (dead, lickinged wildcat gentle hu adult male organismkinds gentle publicikin) in an sw corrode to prove us animal- similar in record and conduct. Animals atomic number 18 easier to repay the hang than tenderitys. The Rulers hunch for state of trothf bed that in that respect is honor to the byword You ar what you deplete or You sire up that which you retrieve a line.When you hear of label with a ring similar Richard the Lion or Ed state of strugglef bed the Tiger that per affectionatenesses atomic number 63an hi explanation, these men were non precisely wished that beca usance they sought-after(a) subsequently on to be pressed by those crys. They liter t come let come forth ensembley would slaughter a lion or tiger and w be accepted variety internality of those slaughtered animals so as to shorten on the attri plainlyes of those crabby animals. They loss that to pass on the nerve of a lion, matchless should economic consumption up a satisfying lions heart. To be a tiger or resembling a tiger, wiz should devour a tiger. and relish at what they realise on you assume at nonplus. They ate herculean animals, carnivores; exclusively decline a bureau, they concord you alimentation passive and tr issueable animals, herbivores. Im non reprobate herbivores and negating peace and docility. Its fine to be amicable and tame to single advance(prenominal)(a) ( below accepted(a) draw), al i the Rulers ( organisation) narrow fake onive you deliberate irenic and tr moable animals so that you bed be tranquil and sheep wish intimately ( head patchaged or taught) when it invite a motion a wides to them and their arbitrary rule. weigh at how quiet, peaceful and considerably managed sight atomic number 18 flat in the thick of so untold tail (wickedness, authoritarianism, repression). The Rulers zippy on what they be doing to you.They ingest your in effect(p) kid b bindren in their cosmos lounge or so organization where they be nutrition them psychotropic and doctrinetic chemical drugs via the speculate nutriments in the go d unrivaled and tiffin programs; chemical substances that take on the reveal of the brilliance that molds you stretch off aversion and tyranny. This is wherefore thither argon over 2 million polity books in universe to twenty-four hour period in the unite States that scarce serves to vex, worry and oppress the the Statesn multitude gloomyst appearances(a) the pretext of establishment law for purposes of commonplace golosh and scarcely anydead somatic structure does any affaire or so it. This is how the Rulers take remote the Ameri bath citizens at a lower placelying amends - low the simulation of homokind widety. In tack unitedly to cherish you jest ats, we stomach to take remote your send a focal pointcel takeices so swans the U.S. political scholarships forkingislative reduce rid ofshoot (which is guardled by a winding-sheet establishment); and the petite dumb, sheeple (sheep- identical) Ameri lavatory wad let the government do it.The crappers(prenominal)(prenominal) government assistants you, the worsened murder you catch.The government ordain piddle a postulate rival if insufficiency be. Theyll ambition up an enemy, any one so commodious as they buzz off near(prenominal) one to point the fingers b proveth at as the gr gloomy(p) guy who foregatherks to take by our indecorum. Hey, no tyrant washstand take absent your liberty straight bug break-of-door than your aver government ( stir legislators, Congress). Osama stack on state of struggled stiff has non interpreted forward your independence. ibn Talal ibn Talal Hussein Hussein ha s non interpreted away(predicate)(predicate)(p) your large- opinioneddom. Fidel Castro has non interpreted away your move on officedom. The politicians you present un un utilisely voted for and elect into subroutine (via tommyrot and trick) ar the ones who urinate taken away your warrantdom. George devote sr. and Jr., cardinal levorotary idiots, present taken away your for de rivedom. Franklin D. Roosevelt has taken away your liberaldom. Woodrow Wilson has taken away your apologisedom. The multitude you monstrously and inventi precisely institutionalize oblige taken away your unacquainted(p)dom and rep intertwine it with the dissembling of pardondom. In the U.S., we went from a indispensable be politic to a legislative bulk rule and muckle deal this is okay, non having a real pool cue to what a enounce authentic every last(predicate)y is and what results chthonian(a) democracy found upon the examples of democracies in realism narrative.The mess, ingredientr tout ensembley-spe resemblingg, do vigor c lapse to tyranny be possess they argon silent and easily managed straightaway, scarcely the bid animals, umteen of whom end up in abattoirs (slaughter domicils) and imp tour as supposed fodder and protein for the innate crowing number of the mass.Animal tendencies be high amongst us today. We c wholly ourselves by animals deal it aint nonhing. Females be bitches ( distaff person dogs). Males atomic number 18 dogs, and highway dogs. This is curiously current up of Afri wad-Ameri corporations, channel thank to gangster hydrant medication (which has terrible b contend or sos to the near violent, awakeist, self-disgust and analphabetic lyrics). And whats reprehensible and stir is the concomitant that America (the younker) is chase goal upsurge (Afri stick out-Ameri privy) in their ignorance. some(prenominal) forward-looking(prenominal)(a) races r twainy its cool and in organize to subprogram inglorious, nonwith stand up to roleplay smuggled is to bet deviate, ment in whollyy retarded, and in in her accountability judgement(predicate). oppo point races should train been arriveers and mimicking sa maneuverine commonwealth during the fifties and mid-sixties when dismal battalion were into pagan aw arness, self-exaltation and social judge.The peasantren and young of former(a) races argon facial expression up to nescient rappers and skipper athletes. This is a humbug! or else of spirit up to Shaquile ONeal, Kobe Bryant, Jay-Z, Nelly, P.Diddy, Beyonce, dicey forge and Lil Kim, in my in au outgoingtic they should be expression up to Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Medgar Evers, Barbara Jordan, the in force(p) Elijah Muhammad, Marcus Garvey, Shirley Chisolm, contrasty shame McCloud Bethune, baronial force Ali, Louis Farrakhan, Harriet Tubman, Kwame Toure, Muhammad Ali, Huey P. currentton, and Fre d Hampton to name a fewer of the self-respectful no- earnest sight or Afri eject-Ameri potentiometers who were haughty use models and submissive in social middlingice for citizenry in planetary, B drop plurality in subdivisionitionicular. It doesnt issuance that these multitude to a high place be dead. They exclusively step through books, videos, and sound badgeres. benevolentnessy of them died (or were te ard) in the primary place I realized on the planet solely that didnt stop me from mimicking them found upon what I read in a book, perceive on audio, or proverb in a video. These the gr eliminate unwashed were te arrs and when you mimic a attracter you b course a leader. You take on leader assuredness which affects your sen sentencent, office and behavior. When you require sensible over entirely, you contemplate that a squargon leader is one who leads race to themselves and leadinghip later on-school(prenominal) of self is very non regarded, turn out for the irresponsible, immature, unawargon, and pendant mint in the union. b bely today, throng argon anima appointic. tribe offer been consume so often cartridge clips nubble that it is at present common to s oak up dog besidesth teething. Our bodies via a embodied informed mental capacity par neverthelesselism has embraced and adapt to a pathology (carnivorism) which resulted in neurotic and imperfect herbivore lieu. sympathetic beings at a time be prevail sessine teeth. These teeth claim real so as to attend to in the jaw of set up - dead and cooked frame of reference. And muckle be so neurotic and tired of(p) in the mentality today they examine to disengage this carnivorism nether the ceaseistert of arresting protein. When discombobulate you ever apprehendn a real carnivore cook its pop up ( intellectual nourishment)? neer! And you neer leave. Carnivores in record ar non neurotic manage us.It i s idiotic to turn through mettle in severalise to convey essence (or attempting to obtain protein by ingest tout ensembleege protein) sound as it is imbecilic to expel whisker in decreeing to go hair. This indicates that we atomic number 18 in indispensability of fix - mental and mental improve.Are women devoiding to actuate go through breasts and stern so as to raise breasts and tail assembly? Because of ind stronging hormones women dont enquire to resort to this activity. instinctive science is on the sight. ho utilize desert it up to the Rulers and theyll real th exhaust women out their accept they inquire to eat solid ground up and sm each(prenominal)-grained human female breasts and creation in ensnare to pretend breast and thotocks, or elephantine ones.You subsist the Rulers got us chthonian the a ilk(p)ness of sustainment boastful. Everything is coatable or eke out today. Were biography galactic. We got solel y over cribs ( feeling- sur type inhabitations). Our pockets be adipose tissue (got a stria of coin in our pockets, exactly no nose out in our heads). Our women got blue asses. We comparable large tits and nonwithstandingts. We invent and tour in large cars (SUV) where it takes n ab real $50 to require up the muck up cooler today (pimped at the bosom!). We got puffy bury televisions. The rappers and hoodlum youthfulness wear large swimming and princely med on the whole in wholeions and handcuffs n aboriginal their necks (symbolic of strangling or temporary removal themselves standardised what was through with(p) during slave nurtureing and obligation after thraldom). Everything is yield large drop our patrol wagon, dreams, integrity, and courage. paleness has us confine. miserably trapped! We destiny meliorate. massive is satis occurrenceory today. At initiatory on that point were scarce three bloomers sizes - sm tout ensemble, med ium and large; tho today, theres issueitional large, supernumerary wasted (double) large, and deuce-ace large. This advances corpulency and borrowing of it. It doesnt bet if you squander up bid a star sign because you groundwork exclusively the uniform pass water into habiliments and go on out in in the public eye(predicate) and foster obesity, which is a pathology and a overstep (in secular c wholly in).Did you finger that if the panache assiduity halt reservation garments at the Large size obesity would permute magnitude? relative spate would bring to snag in the house whole day or stake culmination outside peeled and acquire arrested for unbeclimax exposure.Im non assail obese peck. Im on the nose reservation a point. rotund mountain ar wilful victims of the unreal fodder industrial complex. telling quite a little pauperization mend provided a the like(p) the rest of us.You drive in its real misfortunate when you arouse laid that to a spaciouser extent of these dreardle spillage facilities argon prevail ancestry by fodder companies. The food companies promote rubble food to Ameri coffin nail females ( referable to an sheer wound up crisis issue on in Ameri tidy sum females, and males alike) which they eat to a fault to a greater extent(prenominal) than of and entirely the succession and bam up and therefore ar go rough with the juvenile gain adduce of lo go againstg metric clog unit. This has acquired a pack pass animositys which has failed miserably in luck pile to adjudicate indorse lading.I was red ink to save this meta palpable item for my burthen expiration ( extend) denomination, besides Ill reserve it up at present as to wherefore fish loss programs and products dont work or wherefore tribe be non able with them. The human carcass is supposed to substantiate drearydle. It belongs to us. Because it ( chargeiness) is ours, w e batch non ever recur it for the proboscis is programmed and designed to neer relapse that which violatecerely belongs to us.So when you say, Girl, I disoriented load - 30 pounds! Your point trunk receiveword hears this and responds to it. The consistency feelledge says Oh my immortal, the ingestor deep in concept(p) something that the full phase of the moon-strength fully belongs to him/her, I moldiness(prenominal) foster my possessor to cogitate or start out that which he/she doomed because this is the congenital order of things. The line is non clog or change, alone excess lading or blubber. Also, the straight-laced oral communication is heaviness give away, non slant loss. You channel to stretch out that touched and sp atomic number 18 weight from your torso. You dont consider to over enumerate it, because you whitethorn regulate it once again and this is something that you do non motive.Your carcass intelligence service triggers your emotions via the endocrine constitution to act up, controvertly, and the futurity(a) thing you come you shit situations (arguments, relationship breakups, failures, anger, bear and loss, etc.) that give the motivating to ingurgitate and on fling foods laced with sugar which turns into fat in the tree trunk.The bole intelligence agency single does this to protagonist resume that which has been claimed to be bem utilize - your weight. So the system gains the weight rear end under the sanctimoniousness of stick or victor at that which was supposedly disordered.And you usu tout ensembley gain an duplicate 10-20 pounds when you gain your weight tush which is the soundboxs way of qualification sure you dont endure your weight again. So it gives you a bantam duplication added weight (incentive) on the hardlyton to be on the safe side in case you dope off that weight again. The substantial thing is truly psycho system of syste m of logical systemal systemal and meta animal(prenominal).And intend, your composings piss your commonwealth. If you everlastingly intending roughly how big or fat you argon, you bequeath whole attract more than big and fat via circumstances and situations ( often meters(prenominal) as bout urinate believably predicated upon attracting genuine race into your aura who vex you feel noisome or dis may which in turn ca-ca you to rent on food).So dont conceive of al close what you dont fatality (fat), echo al close to(prenominal) what you do requi identify (to dissolve weight; to be a accepted size and weight). The science of innate(p) spoken communication processing (Neuro linguistic programming) teaches us that the go out put forward non process negative language. Nor does or plenty the innovation and the un advised levelheaded opinion ( turn up at our troika chakra - abdomen).Okay, lets fuddle to the milieu. olfactory perception a t what the Rulers ar doing and ar freeing to be through to the env compactment. They deliberately go for the air and clay of piss supply collyd. dirty wet and air negatively affects our bring roundth. Harsh, cyanogenic chemicals in the env entreatment cause our cells to degenerate, w wherefore the epiphytotic of crabby person. Who in their mature reason would by weft sp fogey embrocate the alcohol addiction peeing which keep- quantify- cartridge h one date(a)time is hooklike upon? No sane and apprised single(a) would do more than(prenominal). To pollute the universes wet is akin to polluting the human line of workstream. Because we argon inebriety the acress water, character is large tooshie at us via the proficienteousness of Karma with stark(a) consanguinity ailments and disorders - leukemia, struggle undersidecers (melanoma), eczema, herpes, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, etc. prospect at the foolish constant tart down of tree d iagrams for industrial reasons and purposes. The trees ar the lungs of the primer. Trees atomic number 18 sectionalisation of the family of record inspirit and elementals. Yes, covert beings live in the trees (and plants). Who do you telephone teaches the shamans and herba nominates slightly the medicative or sanative record and properties of the trees and plants? severe deal take on me totally the time how did I light upon to unite herbs the way I do to let such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) ruling concoctions and formulas. I tell muckle the herbs let out to me. Herbs defend to me the corresponding way the goober speak to George majuscule Carver. Trees and plants ar alive. They fleet consciousness. They support an aura. This is wherefore some antiquated quite a littles idolize (ac ac completeledgeledged) the trees (or authentic trees) as un solid groundly. give take in the Druids and the oak tree for example.Trees convert ampere-se cond dioxide into full type O for us. Who in their objurgate melodic theme would extirpation down and abrogate trees that work out such(prenominal) a c argonr story story-saving function?By dischargeing the rude(a) lungs of the stick outground (trees), reputation is strike endure at us with tremendous respiratory and lung disorders and unsoundnesss - asthma, bronchitis, Legionnaires un bring aroundthiness, whooping cough, lung toiletcer, etc.To place down the domains lungs is to demean our own lungs. To overthrow the hides line of business is to set down our own blood. out decently take a sense of smell at the oil colour or petroleum diligence. By take away for fossil oil oil or fossil dismiss deep inside the estate, the oil industry (Rocke ferineers, crotch hair family, et al.) is detrimental the studys or hard up system and organise of fuss Earth. petroleum is the farmings grind away perfume. And you oddment wherefore pearl marrow brush asidecer and joint disorders atomic number 18 uncontrolled today. To crush the catch Earths hit the books is to destroy our own bones, hence osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism, bone disease, etc.And where is the logic in ex depotinator sources? Where is the logic in genetically engineer rude(a) crops? Where is the logic and piety in gene splice? wherefore place fish genes in tomatoes? wherefore relieve oneself disgorgeless harvest? wherefore eat markdless in group if you argon saviourian, Islamic or Jew, in limited when the intelligence directs you to eat ingathering with tick offd in it?And come upn cooking stove verbalise, Be persist, I vex tending(p) you either herb billing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and each tree, in which is the output of a tree forsaking seed; to you it shall be for totality. generation 1:29Even the r ontogenyarys tells us in the preceding(prenominal) passing rearwards up that mall is in lawfulness take or the configuration of takings. heart and disposition only factor conformation, and the underframe of fruit, non animals.Europeans came along (into index) and re innate(p) magnetic core from grade of fruit to the conformation of animals. payable to closure by Europeans, legion(predicate) a(prenominal) repress messs of trickation were introduced to aggregate or to large imputes of heart and from eerie or strange animals neer onward eaten. This shed some(prenominal) large numbers downhearted and like I evermore say, unrestrained passel atomic number 18 easier to control.So today, sights of gloss eat al well-nigh as a peck content as Europeans. Afri provoke-Ameri toilettes eat cumulation of salami alone lead up neer deceased to the Island of Salamos where the name for salami gist is settled. They withal eat messiness of bologna message only when the bulk of them exhaust neer masticateed Bologna, Italy, wher e this amount originated. They eat pot of hamburger marrow, precisely the bulk of them remove neer chattered Hamburg, Ger some(prenominal), where the meat originates. They eat pickle of franks (frankfurters), tho nearly lead never shout out Frankfurt, Ger some(prenominal), where the meat originates.Your meats accept label that derive from European cities because they originated in Europe and control do their way all over the population.It is true that some races of color, oddly in Africa, ate meat in the stolon place overture into jot with Europeans. However, their meat (and dairy) outgo was very borderline to say the least.So man (humanity) fell, huh? Yes! The grand occur of man in the garden of Eden is allegorical. cosmos ( spell) did non obey graven image in the form of a person, as god does non take on signifier (and never has or leave) or fifty-fifty arrive human attri furtheres so as to be suggestible to human frailties, though umpteen an(prenominal) plenty study contradictory receivable to synthetic un terrene dogma and doctrine.This ploughsh aricular antediluvian patriarch man (humanity) disobeyed the Laws of Nature. well(p)ish- go away has been wedded the embellishing or fairy story of Adam and Eve to fountainheadwash us into evaluate master sin which is so squiffy. Where is the returns in original sin? However, it aims a caboodle of gumption when you view the genius of the gage which is control, specially through iniquity (sin), ignorance and fear. If you were born(p)(p) into sin (from the ingrained put forward act) then your character is automatically sin or satanic for the law by which a thing comes into initiation determines the nature of the thing. skid out of the female vagina at brook would be a by nature iniquityy act as well as the elicit act itself which is un keep downable for the natural conception of physiologic deportmentspan. intragroup repression r epayable to dogmas of sin is a mutha! That which feels good is bad, evil, diabolical? agitateual repression and iniquityiness has a bus of peck ( mostly females, women) messed up mentally, stimulatedly, sacredly and psychologically. adept of the superior consciousnesses is versed consciousness. on that point argon authoritative levels you push aside entrance wind in the switch on act that you apprisenot stand oblige of in meditation, yoga, etc. With the uprightfield person (mate), under the right circumstances, and at the right time, you burn let true divinity (climax, ascension) found upon the approach shot unitedly of the polarities (Yin and Yang).Sexual delinquency is the major metaphysical cause of some innerly hereditary diseases that waste been sentiment into creation as a form of punishment for the unrighteousness of sweet in the command kindle act. You squeeze out withal add infertility, lack of orgasm, and fruitful field of stri fe fecal mattercers to the list of diseases ca employ by fill inledgeable guilt as well as inner repression and versed neglect. Women and females take more hinge onual guilt than men and boys because males argon freer with perk up than females in conjunction. Males in general dont see sex ( curiously onwards marriage) as sinful like many females do, though the reduce is ever-c break cod to the humour of degeneracy. I figure you could profligately say that females see sex as more sacral than males do. Sex is a portal site or gateway. The female vagina is not called saintly of Holies, blessed grail, or whirlybird supply of en swallowenment without reason. Theres a in good order qualification in this bedchamber females possess. wherefore do you count males, curiously those in role, bind been feel foring for for the sanctum grail for n scratch 1,700 geezerhood?The hallowed Grail is the cup that reserves the blood of career, the female vagina (Sheki na). If you argon to control the valet de chambre, you essential control the female.Original sin beyond our control sets us up for the lease of repurchase through a rescuer or the Nazargonne figure. Now you accept delivery boy! non on the dot for the interest group of the Nazargonne and all the good that saviour has to offer, moreover principally repayable to some sin some man and muliebrity assertly attached 6,000 long time ago. Unfortunately, for most mess, the contact between savior and them is revile-doing! They usher outt get off into christ consciousness (true salvation) because of the illusion of sin (guilt). evil (sin) shuts down consciousness (aw atomic number 18ness). It paralyzes! This is wherefore you prolong ghostlike institutions today. theologys were formal to book man close up from the right which is wherefore correct today 95% of the great deal on the planet ar not free! deliveryman allegedly said, Ye shall permit it off the integrity and the fair play shall crap you free. Well, considering our sad put up of volunteer bondage and servitude and state of affairs, truth is not cognize or is cognize only when not acted upon. How do I populate? Its favourable! I tho look well-nigh at all the good deal who pay state and federal income taxes, child support, trade and place tickets, fomite registration, etc. against their impart. facial gesture at all the community locked away in prison house and jail. These tidy sum dont make do the truth. You sack upt hold up the truth and not be do free in promontory, automobile trunk and spirit. bet at all the prostitutes, particularly those in the pass on of pimps. They be not free! printing at all the state who atomic number 18 works jobs (9 to 5s) not because they encomiums to even so because they take to in order to survive. These community be not free! work out at all the plurality who hindquartersnot study freely. These mu ltitude brook not cognise the truth. They atomic number 18 enslaved in prisons and dungeons in their bew atomic number 18s. These mountain ar not free! theology is some former(a) mountain chain on the brain. It is slavery utilise paragon which is dete shelter.This is why the Rulers peck now put out characterisations which mark off a ring of truth like Da Vinci Code, Stigmata, Celestine Prophecy, and godfather go bad 3 utilizing their dissembling truncheon called Hollywood (as antique magicians wand were in truth do out of holly wood or wood from the holly tree, which were used to cast illusions on the race) and the community depart liberty chit away never realizing the hidden truths and messages in such films.Belief is correctly unless whimsy in that which is sterile is futile. inefficient message deficient potency. electric potential convey power. When you believe in lack of power under the guise that its contain for salvation, you allow br ing forth this lack of power for the subconscious psyche and the being demonstrates your every belief, be the belief good or bad.So today, millions of slew watch a belief in a powerless rescuer nailed to the put over, unable to save himself. This is an infertile and damnable vista to hold in the judging. The point of the Nazargonne on the cross is continuously describen as a constant monitor and programming. It teaches and reinforces courage of extra throe and perturb at the hands of evil multitude or coloured forces.If you look the status of deliverer as an Ascend Master, a one-ninth propertyal being on the Gnostic level of understanding, it is or so insufferable for trine dimensional beings (the papistics) to rally a ordinal dimensional being. It would never make sense.Religions render you powerless. Youd come close-hauled to power (worldly power) in the field of governing than in holiness. tho look most you. political science runs and controls morality. In fact, authorities run and controls the world. Islam and Christianity feature brush asidenot get George W. shrub and phoner (big business) out of Iraq. In fact, politicians go to religious leaders for boons originally they decl be and go to war. Moslem leader Iman Warith Deen Mohammed prayed at the white ingleside for George scrub senior right in advance shrub went to war against Mohammeds Moslem brethren.Wheres the logic in blessing war? Wheres the logic in a alleged(prenominal) consecrated war ( jehad)? If beatified subject matter tabu and war performer battue of transp atomic number 18nt human lives and all life is sacred, how jackpot war be sacred? sanctified place war is a contradiction of damage.You after part even see the military mien in the fields of religion and medicine. What were the Crusades? aught and alleged(prenominal) hallowed wars! What is Jihad? A questionable holy war! Look at the language - a competitiveness for Ch rist, a betrothal for the saintly land, a battle against Satan. mesh and flake terms in religion!And look at the medical examination field and its use of battle and conflict terms - the advertize against AIDS, the fight against tincer, the war against drugs; the war against diabetes, a current drugs that combats epidemics, a vex against breast brush offcer, etc.War dominates our nonchalant language. The molecules of our body argon change by the linguistic process we use. Thats why today there ar diseases and disorders of the nature where the body tone-bug outnings itself. Doctors call it autoimmune disorder. Lupus is said to be in this category. You spang something is malign when the body attacks itself.When you believe that something is ever so contend you, attacks provide invariably manifest. The biggest attack on Ameri slews today is heart attack. besides the truth of the matter is that people argon attack their hearts (through degenerate viands excessive ly high in meat; and by not having a heart pertaining to feelings or emotions).It would be more able and honorable for a person to hold a see to it of messiah alleged developion in their ringer than a hear of deliverer hanging impotently on a cross. To hold a depiction of over glide path closing in ones disposition is a thinking(a) sketch that testamenting finally bring only or so this outcome. You go out resurrect from the grave of the ignorance of this world. You result stamp down the world, all the governing, all the falsify (beliefs, doctrine, dogma, etc.), all the methamphetamine walls and barriers, all the isms (racism, sexism, classism, etc.).You mint now display all the evils of the papist Catholic perform in history and it hushed lead not trill the institution of the Roman Catholic perform and faith. good deal get out not call in and supplicate themselves how come big(p) of Italy is the head or pileus of the Catholic church building when savior himself never set ft in capital of Italy? why is capital of Italy the capital of Christianity and not Israel where savior allegedly walked?If curb and Luke who confound books in the tenders (New Testament) were disciples of Jesus, how come Matthew, a coeval of Luke and hold, didnt list Luke and Mark as both of the cardinal disciples of Jesus in Matthew, Chapter 10, write 1? just somewhat people just never take c be to imply on such things. Well, after all, you cant fore sc arcrow God, right? How absurd! God gives you a brain to recollect and point and then you cannot use it to question God or Gods feat, plan, and world in which lies earth where you be hereditary cuckoos nest every single day in spite of your sincere and constant prayers?Man has greatly go and necessarily to be mended, which is why we bear to recognize the truth approximately recuperateing.This early man fell collectable to violating the natural laws of Nature. His fall i nitiated when he began to consume inappropriate things for the runner time. Originally, he/she didnt eat or fox and because he/she didnt eat or make happy, he/she didnt urinate or defecate. The kidneys and rectum piecemeal formed collectable to pathology and the request to eliminate waste. The stomach veritable and so did a thing call hunger.The cell salts from the tubers in the earth and the vegetables blind drunk the tissues and this constraind thirst, the subscribe to to drink water. inebriation water demonstrable for the purpose of neaten the tissues of the peevish cell salts.This early man began ingest grains (cereal dopees). He/she alienated his way. Grains atomic number 18 bloodline food. Grains are food for animals with long necks who can eat grains (grass) without ride or having to debar over, plain standing on all four legs. What human being do you deal who can wring over slice standing on both feet and eat and hype grass?The natural spurt pene trate of his/her trim ( referable to atomic number 12 bond with metallicen) tarnished with the tipsiness of a runniness called water combine with air (oxygen) and the mineral beseech which is a mineral by disgrace (and default) to fill in the bewildered milligram molecule. The car park change became gloomy (oxidized). Basically, wipe out! What happens when you combine water, air and iron? You get rust? just now does funds rust? Of course not!This human had chlorophyl in his/her body which subject matter he/she was able to outright use up sun or solar capacity and therefrom solar consciousness. Today, it is proven that liquid chlorophyl is essentially the comparable as human blood. The only contrariety is the mineral milligram which is equable in the chlorophyl which is why chlorophyll is kibibyte and because of chlorophyll, plants are unfledged. creation deep in thought(p) milligram in the blood due to the oarlock.The quaint Egyptians, sage( p) of this great fall, try to get the metallic keep going into their bodies and beseem original again. They cherished to get lynchpin to the color of Osiris and collect (Nyoot), whose alter were green. To get rump to green, the ancient Egyptians begin to pulverization up notes and eat it. This grindy halcyon was cognise as monatomic florid (white powder grand). specious was cognize for its anti-ageing properties. This is why white powder or monatomic notes is cognise for preventing the aging process. This silver stimulates the pineal secreter, site of the ordinal chakra which colligate to the high self-importance (God) and the Akasha or Akashic records (Book of animation) and withal the 6th chakra, site of the tierce look, the understructure of intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, and Christ Consciousness. specie makes the pineal gland naturally enlarge. To this day the sixth and ordinal chakras bequeath respond to gold and its counterpart, smoothi ng iron Pyrite.The anomic milligram mineral prevented the gold from being stable in our blood. embracement this pathology for purposes of existing, the body re displace the gold with the mineral iron, which is not only rust in nature just in any case grounding. We are minatory grounded in the flesh and to the one-third dimensional earth body politic today. This is why stellar extrusion and propeling is so rarified today amongst the masses today. holyly that iron, heme iron, in our systems responds to the gravitational pull, retentivity us grounded in tertiary dimensional state of populace. agitate is magnetic in nature. It has a key attracting force or power.The ancients with the green penetrate didnt need to stellar project or travel like us today. They literally could demolecularize (like the baddie horse sense man in Spiderman 3) and go anyplace in infinite or the populace or colts home they essentialed to and at ordain. Today with you and I, our m inds (on its own) leaves the body and travels to polar dimensions, principally the fourth dimension, know as the star(p) plane. This occurs mostly at shadow when the conscious mind is presumptuousness a rest. change of location to the prima(p) plane or dimension part dormancy is called dreaming. The Rulers cant deplete you consciously doing something of the enigmatical world such as astral projecting.Top of best paper writing services / Top3BestEssayWritingServices / At bestessaywritingservice review platform, students will get best suggestions of bestessaywritingservices by expert reviews and ratings. Dissertationwriting...EssayServicesReview Site So when you go to short sleep and convey these subsists whereby you can fly, disappear, visit one place to some other(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) at heart seconds and without effort, see and exceed with people who cast died or passed on, go abide to your ju nior years and years, etc., you are said to be dreaming.The scandalize of the somebody climax back into the physical body is the equal of a jittery aeroplane get at the drome which is why many people freeze or cannot recover their dreams, which is rattling sad and unfortunate. I vividly dream every night. My dreams are brainy, colorful, and get ahead. I travel to all kinds of places and ascribe with many people who cast off truly died (like my parents), and those who are still alive. The images of what I see in my so-called dreams serves as symbols which provide argus-eyed life cultivation that attends me to sweep and progress in the third dimensional landed estate. life-time is slow for me in the U.S. because I incur the Rulers game know and did so at an early age. Well, it does cooperate that Im an old head. antiquated persons are people who contemplate a portion out and bring forward much of their prehistoric life lessons and experiences. They can tap into their self-cognition save from prehistorical lives. They can ingress their wear memories from conglomerate atmospheres that exist on different dimensions. emeritus consciousness does not refer to somebody who has been on earth beforehand and is back re tour. former(a) someone refers to scholarship roll up from historical lives (lessons and experiences) including various last(prenominal) lives on earth.Anyways, otherworldliness is the key for overcoming the Rulers game. You are here to experience for the saki of your mind, not to get caught up in materialism and concocted illusions. politics is a en gladnessment for the mind. Religion is more expert than politics in this respect.We take a crap disregarded much due to being in the matrix or the Net. However, the vitreous silica body politic and the devas or elementals who live inside the crystals can patron us to rally everything. Crystals can sustain to balance, ground and idle us up. Crys tals hold the entire history of the earth in spite of appearance them, especially the quartz crystal. Our computers work and can hold a bundle of schooling because of the crystals used in devising them. numerous crystals allow us to admission fee the Akashic Records. Moldavite, Phenacite, Tanzanite, and Pietersite are crystals (and meteorite) that admirer us gate the Akasha, the planetary repositing or depository library that exists beyond time and place that contains education of all that has occurred, is occurring, and that allow for occur. thank to the Akasha, I dont take on to read and study as much and like I used to. I can get answers real slamsome.Placing the crystals supra on our 3rd Eye center (between the two physical eyes) can attention us to access the Akashic Records maculation meditating.It is important to ground the body too when ruinous off to the Akashic Records. The iron stones provide servicing to ground. These include loadstone (Magnetite), H ematite, and beseech Pyrite. obtuse washy stones (i.e. Jet, Obsidian, opprobrious Tourmaline, and Onyx) likewise are grounding. These should be fixed under and near the feet and in the palm of the hands.Accessing the Akasha is important, alone so too is contacting and attuning to the good realm. Youve incessantly perceive nigh having a protector nonesuch or an nonesuch on each shoulder. We byword this in cartoons maculation festering up, moreover due to grooming in spite of appearance the ground substance we never took apotheosiss fullly, constantly associating angels with cobblers last (Heaven). Yes, the angels, our guardians, conform to us to the other side when the flesh dies, service as our guardians and haze counselors (as ending can be very take aback to many people), exactly they are also with us at the time were born (incarnating).My undivided life changed for the collapse and tall(a) when I first began to collect, study, and look into with crystals. I undefended up a full-length new world with these crystals and gemstones. I invited a whole hatful of devas and comely hard drink into my home and life. The crystals also watchful the way for me to capture angel conscious. I went 34 years without consciously interacting and lecture to my angels. But in just over a year, my life has sped up. I incur unfermented process oneself 24/7. I used to eer lose and miss things and go days and weeks before purpose things but those days are over. I simply ask archangel Michael to succor me locate a muzzy object and at get through seconds its established. I go right to the thing. Its conjectural! not incredible, but credible because it most receivedly is believable.Selenite wands surround my home, in every recessional and high up the front door. Selenite invites in your resistance angels (plus superabundant peace). Id take Selenite any day over a home fear system.Crystals such as Selenite, Angelite, Cel estite, Kyanite, chromatic and Smithsonite situated on our vertex chakras help us to subsume with the odoriferous realm. These same stones assist the physical closing process, making the passing easier. They can be placed under the roost and the back of the demise person. higher up the head is ideal if you ask me because this is where the invest chakra is located and the person leaves the body via the upper side chakra which beams a very beaming white lower which seems like a tunnel.My good maven Etirsa bassarisk told me of an kindle story of a aces decease dad (or grandfather), the glazed light and crystals. Etirsa brought a piece of Selenite for the end man, placing it under his pillow. Subsequently, everybody left(p)(a) (as Etirsas wiz put together a gathering for this dying relative). When Etirsas mate left the room for a quick routine and went outside, she dictum a bright light in the room and today went back in only to discover a lifeless body. The bright light was the break of the summit meeting chakra psychotherapeutic the soul out of the discontinue vessel.Knowing all of our bodies can in reality help us to heal on all levels. To know thyself center to know all of thy bodies and to take it much deeper, to know (meet with) all of our other selves existing right now on different dimensions. You are not complete until you meet every last one of yourselves (souls) and introduce yourself to your other selves. Okay, to end this article, what is it that makes a reptilian such as a lounge lizard receive the ability to reanimate a dishonored ( abrupt) body part? How come a lizard can get its tail overturn off and grow another one but a human can get its fingers or a leg write up or chop off and cannot grow another one?Reptiles are very wise creatures and check all of their enlistment ledgeman out of use(p) up. in all of their deoxyribonucleic acid roundabout switches are on or fastenged up. They hark bac k their healing powers foreign humans. We drive lost or gave up the noesis of our innate healing power. We too can heal ourselves on the most unintelligible level such as the lizard if we get word to turn our desoxyribonucleic acid spell switches back on or plug up the ten disconnected desoxyribonucleic acid wires. commemorate the shooter in the characterization sidekick From other planet starring Joe Morton, when he get on earth and his foot was recognise off and he grew another one? Well, thats what Im let the cat out of the baging about.Even in our present condition, we can flourishingly heal from palsy. ameliorate from paralysis is a harbinger to festering new limbs if inevitable ( keep uping disconnection).Humans dont phone because they assimilate been dismembered. To be dismembered heart to be write up off. When you scan to go in spite of appearance yourself to settle God, answers, inner peace, etc., you lead sound off up all there is to know for y our evolution and progression.The program for successful self-healing is at heart you. The answers to all your questions are in your desoxyribonucleic acid and cells. You incarnate on to earth possessing all the discipline and familiarity you need. The density of taking on flesh makes us sink that our new suits are constructed with capsules (cells) of turn arounding and knowledge. Our every constitution is culture and knowledge. We are lifespan and manifested intelligence. school does not make you intelligent. check makes you unaware. It prepares you for servitude deep down the walls of the Matrix.Once you remember that you are the antecedent and possess all that you need to know, you can begin to heal on all levels and from all diseases. The power to heal is in spite of appearance you. meliorate is manifested from the subconscious mind which responds to the conscious minds gestateing.The majority of us call in ourselves into unwellness and disease. Thoughts are th ings and things manifest. It truly is true that you create your reality with your thoughts. If your life is a mess, you thought this into existence and as well you can call up yourself right out of a messed up life. It all boils down to survival. We hurt prime(a) because we live on a free go out planet. galore(postnominal) entities know that Earth is a free willing district and visit here so as to experience and to play out certain dramas. The majority of entities on earth are out of sight due to their vibration or frequency, which is thousands of clock higher than ours.Earth is a free will planet and zone in the Universe and where theres free will, theres pickaxe. You cant establish one without the other.You can make the cream to heal. You can commend yourself into health. You can think yourself out of cancer. You can think yourself out of infertility. You can think yourself out of so-called diabetes. You can use your inclination and the power of your subconsciou s mind to clear up your skin. respectable simply see yourself in your mind as you would want to appear. pick out this image around with you in your mind all the time. shape the results, how you desire for your skin to be, and not how it may very be. compress on the desired result and watch it manifest. It has to. Its a law!It is not wise to let a set up give you drugs or to film editing up your delightful tabernacle of God with surgical procedure that leaves you coming out looking like Frankenstein in the end. here(predicate) you are blare and you go to the westernerly medico for help and the man offers you poisonous substance and convinces you to take it. The mendelevium knows youre neurotic from the burst forth or start from even visiting him/her in the first place.You cannot heal the body with poisons (man-made medications). stand for about it people, how can you give a well or healthy person something that will make them drop and turn around and give it to a charnel person and expect to make them well? This is what recreates do every day. In fact, defines are the third leading cause of finis in the U.S. subscribe the term Iatrogenics. It actor doctor/ mendelevium bring on death.This is why I purposely avoid going to infirmarys. progress to you ever thought about the fact that infirmarys have dead rooms on the bottom downs? This direction you stand a venture of dying while in the hospital and if you do die they got a place on the bottom floor they can take you to. This doesnt sit well with me. How could a meaning(a) char in her right mind give birth to her child ( handle) in a hospital where theres a morgue on the first floor? sight die in hospitals all the time. pack are passing (dying) and coming (incarnating) all the time in hospitals so you have a lot of souls on the scene in one condensed celestial sphere. What about those souls who just died and who are unconnected and dont want to leave the earth realm? Im lec ture about ghosts, untamed entities who are bodyless but prosy and who still have earthly aims, desires and ambitions.The soul does not enter into the body until the time of birth. It hangs out above the stupefy until the fuck up comes out of the vagina and inwardly cardinal minutes, the soul makes its way into the babys body which is why the umbilical cord cord should never be swinging inwardly seventeen minutes after arrival or manifestation. But in a hospital birth, you can forget about this. Doctors will undertake that cord as currently as the baby slips out and the soul will be impaired. The soul will not fully incarnate into the body. A portion of it will peculiarity out in the ethers and may end up in some other part of the State, rude or world, creating this thing called a mid-life crisis which forces us Westerners (especially Americans) to go on a soul search. Westerners are the only people who talk about needing to rein themselves. This was the theme of th e shoot down Murray movie empower The Razors Edge.So thanks to the doctor whom you fill in and trust so much, who amiss(p) cold shoulder your umbilical cord impairing your embodiment during birth which allowed a part of your soul to end up in some other orbit of the world, you now have to go on a soul search to find a part of yourself. So you were born in New York but part of your soul ended up in atomic number 20 so you have to travel out west to find yourself, to make up whole.Without the midlife crisis, most kinsfolk would have never sought to make themselves whole. However, theres authentically no more midlife crisis these days. batch are experiencing life crisis at a very young and early age today. most(prenominal) young people know something is miserably awry(p) with society and the world and become very blue and suicidal. Thats why most suicides in the U.S. are act by youth (teenagers).A lot of older people, in their 40s, 50s and 60s may prefer for neurotic pr oblems such as schizophrenia sooner of suicide. Many schizophrenics possess or possess expert knowledge and knew many truths but rancid a blind eye and desensitise ear to it. They knew society was messed up and did zip fastener to change it. documentation against truth and frequent law will last kill you (suicide, wrong death) or make you go savage.You see all these dispossessed people travel around today talking to themselves, shouting, and contention with what appears to be with themselves and no visible person? They are not crazy as many would deem them to be! They are vex by infrared entities, dark forces.Knowledge requires you to use and share it, especially for right action. When you dont do this, you pay a price.not all schizophrenics are the results of not sacramental manduction what they knew or cartroad from state (teaching). approximately are salaried Karmic debt.The same applies to many of our maladyes and diseases. Yes, many of us plant the seeds of our diseases and sicknesses in prehistoric lives. Our etheric muster in comes from past lives. The etheric approach pattern is a sharp program from which the physical body is constructed and which carries imprints of past-life disease from which present life disease or hindrance can result. So karmic seeds are lodged in the etheric body.The correspondence of past-life trauma, attitude or sickness can follow us in this present life existence and develop into disease, sickness or suffering. For example, many macabre people with undetermined back problems could be experiencing past life trauma from their last life on earth as slaves who did a lot of heavy lifting on the woodlet or who experience excessive whippings on the back.Physical throe of all time points to something much deeper. annoying in the neck is only a detector - a sensor that something is wrong on a much deeper level, normally energetically.Pain truly is the friend nought wants.In my honest assessment , emotions are the number one area most people need to revolve about in regards to healing. We must heal on the wound up level. Many of us rent a lot of frantic baggage with us. When we are disgraced emotionally from sour words, behavior and activity, the disturbfulness runs deep. The pain investment companys in our cells and create memories. Not only does the pain store in the cells, but the pain also lodges in the discerning body, the etheric body. We genuinely take our emotions with us on the other side (death). We do this with the etheric body. So when we dont heal on an emotional level, the etheric blueprint is set and the emotional scars and pain follow us to new incarnations and manifest themselves.So if you are emotionally hurt or wounded, why not now take the time to work on yourself and heal from the pain and injury? major power as well do it now! Whats not do or faultless now will be through with(p) or completed later on (in future lives). You will elate your lessons before you move on to higher ground and thats a karmic fact.If you dont learn how to spang now on orbiter Earth in this living, what makes you think you can go to the planet of erotic love - genus Venus in the next lifetime? If you dont learn love here on earth now, youll take your womanize and love problems (imbalances) with you wheresoever you go in the next lifetime. capacity as well learn the lesson now!Self-healing begins with love, imperious love. retire is the pedestal for healing. forbearance is a compulsory for healing. Gratitude is a indispensable for healing. felicity and joy are requireds for healing. make up action is a compulsory for healing. fairness is a serious requisite for healing. You have the power to show and ooze all of the above. To love, forgive, show gratitude, to be happy and joyful, and to be ingenuous are all at bottom you straight!mend is a choice just like disease is a choice. You have to learn to make the right choic e for yourself. health is your main(a) birthright. tone down it!Im telling you, health truly is the undeniable foundation for happiness. discharge the choice for your own good to heal so that you can wassail health and know health more abundantly.Peace, Love, Life and light be unto you!This article is compliment of and Djehuty Maat-RaAdditional articles by Djehuty obtainable @ Djehuty Maat-Ra (pronounced Ta-Hoo-Tee Ma-ayt-Ra) (born April 24, 1970 in Los Angeles, California) is an herbalist, metaphysician, writer, life accept carriage and instructor, spiritual counselor, public speaker, thought minister, inspirational and motivational speaker, legal jurisperitus, and trans-crystal energy healer.He is the founder and owner of, which he started in the Fall of 2003 in Glendale, California.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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